Help out the Blues Project, area musicians & the community and have fun too !! Volunteer your time and services in one or more of the following areas:
ARTIST SERVICES - The New Orleans Blues Project provides subsidized artist support services to the area's many independant musicians, ranging from simple clerical support to the development of press kits, from booking, promotion and publicty to the development of business and marketing plans and sponsorship/underwriting proposals.

Writers, photographers, videographers & graphic artists needed to assist in the development of both print and online artist press kits; Producers and recording engineers to assist in the development of artist demo CDs.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH VOLUNTEER & MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT - The Blues Project is seeking to establish an organizational framework to foster and facilitate effective working collaborations between musicians, community and cultural activists, and the area's vast neglected underemployed, underpaid low-income constituencies in working together to realize the incredible potential New Orleans music presents to make our community a better place to live for each and ALL !

Working together for each other is the only way to move beyond the region's legacy of appropriation toward fairness, equal opportunity and economic parity.

GOVERNMENT & BUSINESS RELATIONS - The Blues Project provides advocacy for the music and creative community in local, regional and national policy development, especially in the development of economic policies that influence the amount of public and private investment into music and the arts. Smart, savvy, progressive volunteers are needed to conduct and coordinate advocacy and lobbying efforts and meet with local, state and national business and political leaders.

DEVELOPMENT & FUNDRAISING - The Blues Project will kick-off its "Blues Project Social Aid & Pleasure Club" fundraising & membership campaign in early 2003 - volunteers are needed to assist in the development, kick-off and ongoing

MARKETING , PUBLICITY & PROMOTION - Publicists, advertising and marketing professionals, guerrilla and street marketers are needed to volunteer expertise, advice and services in advancing Blues Project programs and initiatives and in artist services.

SpeakEasy NEWSLETTER - the Blues Project's monthly Music & Issues newsletter, to debut in February, 2003. Volunteer writers, photgraphers, graphic artists are needed, as well as street distrubuters. WWW.BLUESPROJECT. COM -Volunteers are needed to provide continued website development and maintenance.

EVENTS & TOURS - Socially conscious community active club owners & personnel, booking agents, concert promoters, band managers and others are needed to assist in producing Blues Project/BLUES HIGHWAY Millennium Trail events and
music tours.